Index / What is Prometeo? / KEPI / Examples

Figure Games

This particular KEPI consists of one (ore more) figure lists that are distributed over a rectangular grid with a certain number of rows and columns. Figures are small compressed images that are packed in lists and can be handled by all Data KEPI. An application that will convert BMP images into figures is being developed.

When the KEPI is running, it displays three pull-down menus:
-Figures: To select a figure list with which to play.
-Games: To choose thespecific interaction (exploration or several variations of relation and memory games).
-Options: To choose the list of texts that will be associated to each figure. For it to be possible, such list must be in a text file named as the corresponding figure list and with a .trl extension and a specific format.

Some examples of this KEPI:

The following is a simple example of the figGames KEPI (mja.nippe.figGames.class), with its corresponding HTML code, which configure the parameters:

<applet code="mja.nippe.figuras.class" codebase="../" width=250 height=260 align="right">
<param name="DAT_1" value="oficios:professions">
<param name="Explore" value="Exploration" >
<param name="Memory" value="True">
<param name="Games" value="True">
<param name="Figures" value="">
<param name="Options" value="Languages">
<param name=VOICE value="OFF">
<param name=COLUMNS value="3">
<param name=ROWS value="3">
<param name=BGCOLOR value="FFFFFF">
<param name=BACKCOLOR value="FF0000">
<param name=BORDERCOLOR value="00FF00">
<param name=FRAMECOLOR value="0000FF">

The names of the activities (Explore, Memory, Rel_FT, Rel_TF, Mem_FT and Rel_FT) can be changed if they are introduced as parameters and the new name we want to give them is assigned as the parameter's value (as in the example we do with Explore. The same thing can be done with the names of the three pull-down menus: Games, Figures and Options.

The parameters labeled as DAT_n determine what figure lists will the user be able to chose from (in our example there's only one: oficios, which name we changed to professions). The .trl file is the text file that contains the names of the figures in the different languages. You can check the .trl file of this example, to see how it is formatted.

The Voice parameter determines whether sound files (which must be in .au format) are to be used or not.

With COLUMNS and ROWS you control the number of cells in the grid where the figures are to be distributed (in the example, three by three: nine).

Assigning to BGCOLOR a rrggbb hexadecimal triplet value, you determine the background color of the cells. Likewise, BACKCOLOR regulates the color of the rectangles that cover the figures in the memory games, BORDERCOLOR sets the color of the grid and FRAMECOLOR sets the color of the cells' frame.

Index / What is Prometeo? / KEPI / Examples